Nicotinamide, 230
deficiency, 216
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
(NAD+), 107
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
(NAD), 72
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
phosphate (NADP+), 107
Nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase,
Nicotine-sensitive neurophysin, 733
Nicotinic acid, 449
Nicotinic receptor (Na+ channel), 714
Niemann-Pick, 535
Niemann-Pick disease, 412
Nifedipine, 465
Nigericin, 261
Nightblindness, 604
Nimodipine, 465
Ninhydrin (triketohydrindene hydrate), 31
Nitric oxide (NO), 24, 26, 332, 345,
508, 714
hemoglobin, 656
metabolism and synthesis, 345, 346
signal transduction, 346
Nitric oxide synthase (NOS), 346
Nitrites, 101
balance, 508, 332
transfer, 509
methods, 509
transfer between compounds and
tissues, 504
Nitrogen homeostasis, 508
Nitrous acid, 560
Nitrous oxide (N
0), 922
NMR spectroscopy
two-dimensional, 849
NMR spectrum, 11
Non-CFTR chloride channels, 222
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 207
Non-neuron-specific enolase isoenzymes,
Non-plasma specific enzymes, 121, 124
Nonbicarbonate buffers in blood, 10
Noncompetitive inhibition, 97
Noncovalent (allosteric) modification of
enzyme activity,
1 1 0
Nonenzymatic reaction of glucose, 33
Nonessential amino acids, 225, 331
Nonessential fatty acids, 386
Nonessential trace elements, 891
Nonglycolytic enzymes, 57
Nonhepatic amino acid metabolism, 339
Nonhistones, 554
Nonketotic hyperglycinemia, 18, 348
Nonketotic hyperosmolar coma, 511
Nonmuscle systems, 478
Nonneuronal cells, 232
Nonoxidative deamination, 336
Nonoxidative phase, 300
Nonpolar amino acids, 18
Nonsense mutation, 560
Nonshivering thermogenesis, 767
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), 207, 393
Nonsuppressible insulin-like activity, 739
Norepinephrine (cti adrenergic), 714
Norepinephrine (/1, adrenergic), 714
Norepinephrine (NE), 505, 700, 750, 761
Norethindrone, 800
Norgestrol, 800
Normal, 695
Normal base pairs, 523
Norpinephrine, 762
North shore, 667
Notl, 531
se e
anti-inflammatory drugs
NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs), 207
NTDs, 923
Nuclear DNA, 266
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 11
Nuclear receptors, 710
Nuclear respiratory factor (NRF-1 ), 268
Nucleic acids, 521
base pairing, 522
components, 521,524
Nucleoside, 522
Nucleoside diphosphate kinase, 244, 639
Nucleoside monophosphates to
diphosphates and triphosphates
conversion, 624
Nucleoside triphosphates, 74
Nucleosides, 616
Nucleosome, 554
5'-nucleotidase, 335
5-nucleotidase, 128
Nucleotide synthesis, 299, 300, 615
Nucleotides, 522, 616
Nutrient concentration (density), 80
Nutrition, 149
Nystagmus, 361
O-glycan ser(thr)-linked oligosaccharides,
O-glycans, 311
O-glycosidic linkage, 153
and C0
ob/ob mice, 516
Obese mice, 82
Obesity, 79, 82, 149, 227, 515
biochemical mediators, 82
central, 756
sedentary lifestyle, 80
sweetners, 146
thermic effect, 224
Occlusive plug, 857
Ochronosis, 360
Octl, Oct2, 603
Octamer, 603
Ocular myopathy, 270
Odd-chain fatty acids
oxidation of, 279
Okazaki fragments, 548
Oleic acid
oxidation of, 375
Olfactory cells, 146
Oligomenorrhea, 792
Oligomers, 58, 111
Oligomycin, 251, 259
Oligosaccharide chains on lysosomal
Phosphorylation of, 315
Oligosaccharides, 133, 153
Omeprazole, 205
Oncogenes, 609
Oncogenic viruses, 609
Oncotic pressure, 932
Ondansetron, 379
One-carbon derivatives of folate, 617
One-carbon metabolism, 615
One-carbon pool, 347
Oocyte, 266
Operon model, 594
Ophthalmoplegia, 270
Opioid neurotransmitters, 735
Opiomelanocortin family, 742
Opsonin, 808
Opsonization, 808
Opthalamic system, 180
Optical properties, 125, 128
Ordered single-displacement reaction, 92
Ordered state, 527
Organic acidemias, 341
Organic arsenicals, 240
Organic phosphates in erythrocytes
metabolism, and regulation, 652
Organophosphorous compounds, 98
Origins of replication, 546
Ornithine, 26, 337
formation of, 343
transcarbamoylase (OTC)
deficiency, 344
Ornithinemia, 350
Orotidine, 343
Orotidinuria, 343, 344
Osmolality, 932, 933
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